Thursday, 22 December 2016

Why should you have an Office Holiday Party?

We will give you 3 reasons why you must have a holiday party for your employees, here we go:

#1 Build Relationships - Your work space should be filled with harmony and good vibes. Your employees should have a chance to get to know each other. Sometimes your work environment is fast paced and stressful making it hard to have the chance to know the person sitting right next to you. A holiday party is the perfect environment to actually “meet” your coworkers and build those relationships.


#2 Appreciation - Your employees will feel valued and appreciated. It’s always good to recognize their hard work and contribution to the company. No need to buy them gifts, you can simply have a short day of work followed by a nice cocktail reception as your form of appreciation.

#3 Long Term Employees - This is a dream that can become true. Having your employees work for you for a long period of time is the key to the success of your business. They know the company policies, the system(s) and the clients. This is all possible if you follow the first 2 steps. By feeling appreciated and building those relationships with their coworkers, they will more than likely keep their job longer.

Happy Holidays and enjoy your parties!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The Secrets of Hiring

Hiring new members for your team might seems easy, especially when it comes to the hospitality staff, but it isn’t. When hiring new Event staff NYC for your business you need to follow the “secrets” of finding the best candidates. Here are some of The Secrets of Hiring:

#1 Your job post must be clear and have a lot of information on the position you have available, as well as what type of work you offer and what you expect from the candidate.

#2 Once you receive the applications, decide who is going to be interviewed and who isn’t. You don't want to waste your time with candidates that do not fit your needs.

modeling agency nyc

#3 The interview process should have at least 3 steps: Introduction, Experience, Expectations if hired.

#4 Your hiring manager should be analytical and have a good understanding of people's behaviors and attitudes. Your candidate can never feel too comfortable or intimidated during the process.

And last, but not least, if you really like the candidate, fill out the paperwork while there, so you save the time and make sure to keep the good ones!

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Staffing for Event Planners - DO NOTs part IV

This is getting serious, so here’s part IV of our new series: DO NOTs for Event Planners. The success of an event depends on many things like Brand Ambassadors NYC, but Promotional staff New York is one of the most important components of any event.

Not providing Event Information for Staff

It is very important to provide the staff with enough information about the event. Well-informed staff will ensure your event is a success and they will be prepared to answer any questions. Not just because you want them to know what they are serving / representing, but they also feel more confident and engaged.

We hope you’re enjoying our DO NOTs for Event Planners. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Event Planners - DO NOTs part III

Who is excited for part III of our new series: DO NOTs for Event Planners?
As you probably know by now the purpose of these bi weekly posts is to help event professionals to improve their booking / planning processes.

Not Consulting Your Team:
When hiring event staffing NYCit is important to consider the opinions of other team members that will be working alongside these new staff members. Make sure their personalities complement each other to minimize issues in the future. Nothing is worse than a team that doesn’t get along and instead of concentrating on work/event is fighting over something. Be sure to consult your team before selecting staff to make sure you select the right candidate. Happy staff means happy clients that 
means happy event!

We hope you enjoy our posts and keep posted on upcoming DO NOTs for Event Planners.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Event Planners - DO NOTs part II

As promised, here’s part II of our new series: DO NOTs for Event Planners. This time we would like to discuss the importance of interviewing the staff.

Not Interviewing Staff:
The interview is the most important part of the booking process because if you don't interview the staff, you don't know if they are experienced or have the energy required for your event. Doing so will help you determine whether their credentials and experience level are an ideal fit for your company and client/brand. event staffing agencies NYC are very flexible, so you can ask to train/interview the staff before the event date. Most likely there will be a cost to it, but the end result will be much better.

We hope you enjoy our DO NOTs series and we will be in touch soon.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Event Planners - DO NOTs part I

We are launching a new series of DO NOTs for Event Planners. The purpose of this is to help event planners, caterers and staffing agencies to improve their booking / planning process. The first DO NOT that we would like to discuss is taking too long to book.

DO NOT take too long to book
One of the mistakes event planners tend to make when hiring Event Staffing NYC is taking too long to make a decision. While event staff understands that a lot goes into planning and executing an event, they also have their own personal schedules and might no longer be available when you decide to proceed. Most of event staff are freelancers and they work for several agencies, some are  promotional models NYC actors and dancers, their schedules can change within hours every day, so make sure you reserve the best, and most experienced, staff for your event by booking as soon as you can.

We hope you enjoy it and look out for upcoming DO NOTs for Event Planners.

Monday, 30 May 2016


The way we communicate often impacts other people’s behavior. The more you become an empathetic and intelligent communicator, the more people will allow you to obtain power and influence. You have to treat somebody well to create a favorable situation with the person you want to be your business relation. When you give somebody something, this person will in most cases feel obligated to repay your service. The moment you help another person, or do that person a favour, your brain releases the transmitter substance Dopamine, a substance that is released when you do something that is related to a sense of well-being. So helping others is a win-win situation, for you and the person who has a positive experience.

There’re 3 easy ways to be kind and “influence” people:
1 - Smile. Just the simple act of smiling can make you seem, and feel, like a nicer person. Whether you're smiling at strangers or people you know, it will also encourage people to smile back at you.
2 - Use people's names. People who you just meet love it when you use their names during or at the end of the conversation. Even if you only say that person's name once or twice, the person will feel special and like you're paying attention to him or her.

3 - Be polite. You should be just as polite to strangers as you would be to your family members. That stranger you see at the coffee shop might be lonely, and you may be the only one they have talked to that day. Even if you're having a bad day, take the time to say "excuse me," to hold doors for people, and to treat people with a basic level of respect.

Don’t forget to remind people how great they are. Single out people in your life, from the workplace to home. So few of us take the time to acknowledge the people in our lives whom we take for granted that when someone does validate us in this way, it comes as a totally sweet surprise and is so out of the ordinary that it is remembered. It's also a very genuine way of establishing affinity with people, and maintaining goodwill.

Julia Valler Staffing & Events, based in New York City, is a high-end model staffing, Brand Ambassadors NYC and event bartenders NYC company specializing in private and corporate events. We are committed to delivering superior customer service; guaranteeing beautiful staff, delicious food, and elegant ambiance.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Do things differently, find new ways to stand out from the crowd. We all know that it’s not easy to take the first step, and this might sound cliche, but the first move is the hardest. Same when you're simply writing a blog post, you must start from something and the first paragraph is always more difficult.

Julia Valler Staffing & Events, based in New York City, is a high-end model Staff for Events New York and event planning company specializing in private and corporate events.

A life change needs to start for a reason, if you’re looking for a change, there’s a reason behind it. So here comes the brainstorm . Brainstorm is a process for generating new ideas. All the ideas are noted down and you analyze your options. You must decide what's the reason you need a change, what will actually change in your life and what are the steps you should take to make it happen. Be prepared to voice your differences, your concerns, and your preferences. When talking, it is important to come across as self-assured and knowledgeable, so be sure to have done your research and know your facts beforehand.

Event Bartenders nyc

Take a risk and work hard. Many people won’t take up the challenge because they are afraid of failure. Only those who are willing to take risks and to work hard at their dreams who eventually break through and succeed.

Last but not least, remind people how great they are. Single out people in your life, from the workplace to home, to remind them how great they are. So few of us take the time to acknowledge the people in our lives whom we take for granted that when someone does validate us in this way, it comes as a totally sweet surprise and is so out of the ordinary that it gets remembered. It's also a very genuine way of establishing affinity with people, and maintaining goodwill.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Hospitality vs Clerical Staffing

For a staffing company interviewing new candidates is a routine. We have anywhere from 5 to 10 people apply for bartending, serving and modeling positions and schedule interviews on daily basis. Our interview process consists of several steps: general introductory discussion, catering & bartending tests, and behavioral questions. This process allows us to hire best of the best and then train them to our standards.

Depending on needs, staffing company provides the most experienced servers, event bartenders nyc, tray pass, greeters, coat check, hostesses, Brand Ambassadors nyc  and captains. Whether you are hosting a private party or a high-profile fundraiser, our professional wait-staff ensures your event flows smoothly from beginning to end.

Many times our clients are so happy with the quality of our staff that they reach out to see if we can help them fill in clerical positions. Even though our interviewing process is complex it is meant for hiring hospitality staff, not clerical workers. When we have a clerical position available in our office, we never hire anyone just because we know they are great on the floor. We have a separate interview process that allows us to determine whether or not the candidate will be good for an office environment. This is why we do not feel comfortable to just refer our staff to our clients and if they need our help filling in a clerical position we conduct interviews keeping in mind the specifications for that particular position.

We believe that every role within the company is important and we strive to determine who will be the best fit.

Sunday, 31 January 2016

How To Make Event Staffing 

Staffing means design your perfect party by planning every detail or simply assist where you need us the most. Our attentive and creative staff guide you through every step of the process so that your day runs smoothly from setup to cleanup. Actually the present time is full of competition and the companies or organizations wish to promote their products or services for better business opportunity. They have to go for advertisement by various ways. This could be by electronic media, print media, and hoardings and by organizing event. They provide the top brand ambassadors nyc looking for that extra flair to create a buzz around your brand. They contact to event staffing agencies that provide all trained staff for very support to make the even grand and successful.
From wait staff to event bartenders nyc to models, Julia Valler's employees deliver the service your event deserves. You select which staffing options you need, and we supply talented professionals, guaranteeing an extraordinary experience every time.

event staffing agencies that provide all trained staff for very support to make the even grand and successful.They provide staff as waiters, stewards, entertainers, announcers, chair, table screen arrangement staff, presentation experts etc. They do all in a fantastic way to promote the product or services with help of their trained and professional staff. Now most of the companies launch their product by some celebrities or star personalities and then this event is to be organized systematically with pre-defined strategy to make it highly attractive. The role play of event staffing agencies comes and they do the best to make product launching event successful by people gathering, their welcome, entertainment, food, drinks, and promotion of the product by advertisement to make the sales at high degree as early as possible. So, the demand of event staffing is very high now as many companies are launching their products after a certain interval and they need trained staff to make all the arrangement in a proper way without any failure. This is the time of seller and consumer and hence advertisement agencies and event staffing agencies are on high demand and doing very good business. Event staffing also suggest how to promote products, what to fix price initially to attract a certain type of consumer, introductory offers, samples to be given and advertisement with a nice lines. Their team makes advertisement in a unique way so as the customer may get fascinated and will buy product finally. This is the success of an event staffing agency that helps to promote the product and it is then accepted by customers which return to good business turnover.