Monday, 30 May 2016


The way we communicate often impacts other people’s behavior. The more you become an empathetic and intelligent communicator, the more people will allow you to obtain power and influence. You have to treat somebody well to create a favorable situation with the person you want to be your business relation. When you give somebody something, this person will in most cases feel obligated to repay your service. The moment you help another person, or do that person a favour, your brain releases the transmitter substance Dopamine, a substance that is released when you do something that is related to a sense of well-being. So helping others is a win-win situation, for you and the person who has a positive experience.

There’re 3 easy ways to be kind and “influence” people:
1 - Smile. Just the simple act of smiling can make you seem, and feel, like a nicer person. Whether you're smiling at strangers or people you know, it will also encourage people to smile back at you.
2 - Use people's names. People who you just meet love it when you use their names during or at the end of the conversation. Even if you only say that person's name once or twice, the person will feel special and like you're paying attention to him or her.

3 - Be polite. You should be just as polite to strangers as you would be to your family members. That stranger you see at the coffee shop might be lonely, and you may be the only one they have talked to that day. Even if you're having a bad day, take the time to say "excuse me," to hold doors for people, and to treat people with a basic level of respect.

Don’t forget to remind people how great they are. Single out people in your life, from the workplace to home. So few of us take the time to acknowledge the people in our lives whom we take for granted that when someone does validate us in this way, it comes as a totally sweet surprise and is so out of the ordinary that it is remembered. It's also a very genuine way of establishing affinity with people, and maintaining goodwill.

Julia Valler Staffing & Events, based in New York City, is a high-end model staffing, Brand Ambassadors NYC and event bartenders NYC company specializing in private and corporate events. We are committed to delivering superior customer service; guaranteeing beautiful staff, delicious food, and elegant ambiance.